Have thought for a while and now I have
confirmed that even have to make some money, with stocks. It is gambling
for me. I am a new bee and take advice from various gurus who are
already experts playing this game. It is fun at times, and some times it
strips you down. I have to make some good money with in a short span of
time, so I have no other option other than stocks. I have developed my
own excel sheet that would give me an idea of how much I would earn per
day playing this game. Good for me! Till now I have played well and have
gained a few bugs. Hoping that I would be able to reach my target as
soon as possible. Anyway I would be playing henceforth. Who would not
want, if they are payed for playing. I have learned that I would have to
take this very sportively. Lets see how far can I go on this trail. Not
wanting to become the next Warren Buffet, but unlike him, I feel that I
have started a bit late.